Tuesday, June 21, 2016

These are five Signs that She Does not Love You Anymore

Understand what’s going on in a wom4n's minds is not that easy. When most women have given up on a relationship, they are always reluctant to end it at first. They merely show signs of dissatisfaction and if you are too dumb to mend things or end the relationship yourself, they eventually she dump you. Here are five sure ways to know if a chick has lost all the interest she had in you and her love has gone sour.
She loses interest in texting and calling.
Picture this, women love to talk. A woman who loves/likes you will talk to you even more. I mean, even when she’s mad and she doesn't want to talk to you, she’ll repeatedly tell you that she doesn't want to talk to you. Nothing can make a woman shut up when she feels like talking, so if she loses interest in communicating with you, something is up. Don’t be denial and stay hopeful if all she does when you send her a text message is reply with the letter ‘K’. It shows that you bore her so much that she doesn’t even have the energy to type ‘Okay’ for you.
If she is ever making up reasons not to text you, or does not text you for days, or she takes hours to reply to your text, this is a horrid sign. It simply means she does miss you to or does not feel the need to text you at all. She has better things to do, a better man to attend to or probably has you at her lowest priority.
Her emotions don’t come out and she no longer gets mad at you
You no longer get screeched at when you do something foolish. Women are caring and corrective by nature. They always yearn to correct both children and men. If your girl stops yelling at you, that means that either she's stopped caring, or she's just gathering it all up until she really explodes. Either way, you are scr**wed.
Also, how often does she engage you? Is she just passive? When your conversations shrink to monosyllables and all you get is "Hi" or a "Bye", that’s a sign that things are going downhill. You need to compare her energy when she's around you now to the energy she used to have when the two of you started dating. If she seems less energetic and disinterested in most relationship matters all the time, this is your answer.
However, sometimes ladies just get comfortable and trust that you are theirs; hence they don't need to prove themselves to you anymore. They thus become laid back. So don’t use this factor alone as a way to judge.
Her approach towards intimacy
This is a great key if you really doubt your lady’s love towards you. If she pulls away when you are trying to initiate something, this is a bad sign, more than likely meaning she's lost interest. If she no longer does all those crazy things she used to do to you behind closed doors, there’s a problem. When you were used to enjoying live porn ‘movies’ all courtesy of your lady, then suddenly she doesn’t feel like doing that kind of stuff anymore, it’s a clear sign that her interest in you is diminishing.
All her jealousy has faded
Yes they do deny it but most women are at least a tad jealous by nature. It's a fact. Every loving woman doesn't want to share her man with anyone, so she’ll do what's necessary to keep you happy (including, hot intimacy, housework, meal preparations, tolerating your friends and family, and changing her behavior in general t suit your lifestyle). 

So when your girlfriend or wife suddenly stops acting jealous or no longer does things for you, she’s not in love with you anymore. You remember all those “wh0res” she used to accuse you of sleeping with? Or how she used to suggest that your best female friend might be seducing you? Well the Jealousy meant she cared. If she starts letting you hang out with whoever you want, without any sort of protest or tantrums, you got problems.

She doesn’t recognize your moods
Do a test. Just walk in one day and act down, or pretend to get offended by something she says. If she apologizes or at least insists on knowing what’s wrong, then she has concern and that’s a good sign. If she doesn't notice anything or answers you rudely, then you need no further evidence.
Better yet, forget the pretense. What about when you are really in a low state? Does she assume that your problems are too small? Does she see no reason why you are down? Is she disappear or ignore you when you are suffering. These are signs of her loss of love and you need to do something about it.

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