Monday, June 27, 2016

Hottest Kenyan Singer Is Looking For A Husband And She Does Not Want A Rich Handsome Man. This Is What She Wants...

The Kenyan ‘winter’ is unrelenting with its chills and at such times even the Holy Book says ‘Again, if two lie together, they keep warm, but how can one keep warm alone?’
One of Kenya’s most beautiful singers Vivian is looking for that one man to keep her warm. Yes, she is single and tired of all the fake men out there that she has decided to do away with the wishlist only a few requirements and she will be yours.
You do not need the six pack or Denzel Washington at his prime looks. You do not need the Mercedes Benz and limos. No this lass is not expensive to maintain, a couple of homemade pancakes will do.
She does not need a sponsor either. Whether it is the cold weather or just frustrations of being let down, Vivian sure opened the ways for many an admirer when she penned this letter to her future husband she wants to meet very soon.
Read it and see if you make the cut
Dear Future Husband,

I'm getting real tired of this hide and seek game, I think it's about time you find me. 
Here is a few things you got to know if you want to be my one and only in my life. 
First you must be able to make pancakes. This is not negotiable. I love pancakes. Second you must be good in hugs. I love hugs. Third you can't shrub the word "beautiful" as you will be using that word a lot telling me how beautiful I am every morning. Words like "I'm sorry" must come naturally to you, you will be using them a lot after we fight. Fifth you must be ready to laugh at my jokes, whether funny or dry. Away from the crazy rules, please Find God, Find Yourself then come find me. You don't have to drive any BMW or Mercedez to be handsome. I just need a God fearing man. That's what I find handsome. You don't have to be rich, a kind heart is more than enough for me. You must promise to give me full attention, respect and honor. I want to fall in love with you from the moment I see you. I want to see in you every hope, every desire and every dream I have ever had of my soul mate. I want to fall in love with everything about you from how you sip your coffee to the way you crinkle your nose. I want to go on long drives and long walks with you and just spend hours talking endlessly. I want to cook for you and pamper you like a baby. I want to read out poems to you and dance to my songs for you. I want to share all my dreams and fantasies with you and promise to stand right next to you during good and bad days. I want to grow old with you so that we can tell our love story to our grandchildren. I want us to be spiritually and emotionally connected to each other's souls till eternity and beyond. I am living this dream and waiting to meet you. I know God is preparing you for me. Please hurry up, I am tired of being hurt by the wrong ones.
Your Future wife Vivian

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